Tetranex Obtains COR

Tetranex Solutions Inc. has always made the commitment to our employees, contractors and customers to provide a safe working environment as our top priority.   As an organization, we have operated under this philosophy since we opened our doors.  We are pleased to announce that our Health and Safety Management System exceeds the standards established by Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) of Alberta and we are now a CORtm certified organization.

What is a Certificate of Recognition (COR)?

A COR shows that the employer’s health and safety management system has been evaluated by a certified auditor and meets the standards established by the province of Alberta.

What does this mean, and why is this so important?

Our employees, contractors and customers know first-hand our commitment to our safety program.  Obtaining COR, and demonstrating that we meet these standards, gives all those we interact with the confidence that we are committed to this safety program.


For more information on Workplace Safety, and the Certificate of Recognition, please visit http://work.alberta.ca/occupational-health-safety/cor-how-it-works.html.